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The Strategic Rewards Group has the resources and know-how to satisfy the enormous demands placed upon the Human Resources function. The distinguishing attributes of our approach are a wealth of professional expertise, and a client focused approach to reward and benefit design. Our principals are seasoned Human Resources veterans professionally qualified in partnering with organizations to create maximum productivity, quality, opportunity, and fulfillment to link people needs with business strategies.

Our reputation rests upon getting the resources part right – strategically applying and integrating global experience, knowledge, and technique into each client’s business activities to create human resources systems and processes that drive organizational success. We believe that effective Human Resources strategies are inextricably linked to successful business strategies.

We can assist your organization by providing the best approaches for aligning people strategies to business strategies. We work with our clients to create the optimum environment in which to motivate reward, and retain productive employees, professionals, managers, and executives.

Since 1980 our survey group has been gathering and analyzing compensation and benefits data in general and custom surveys covering both traditional pay concepts and total rewards competitiveness. Our proprietary compensation and benefits survey covers 185 countries (270 cities) with over 7,000 participants.

Our consulting practice is global in scope, and is backed by world-class research and survey resources to offer our clients current competitive practice intelligence and broad-based rewards plan design for local nationals as well as international assignees.
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